
A tasty, new business in San Francisco, Shookies needed a complete marketing plan, branding design, logo, stationary, html emailers, stamps, packaging design, business cards, and online store. Luckily Sheryl Jang, owner and founder, gave me full control over all.

Envoking a confection focus, all print and web material follow the same unified look and feel, down to the packaging, and the logo which is personally stamped on each delivery box. My goal, as is with all of my commerce work, is a simplified vision: it should be intuitive to buy, immediately apparent the product, and a pleasure to interact.

Once a branding design was approved, stationary, business cards, and the packaging followed along the same look and feel. I then translated the design into an e-commerce store, largely centered around a simple group of products, and a quick checkout experience. Each point of communication is done via a custom html email, elegantly designed to match the website, and coupled with Sheryl’s personable and naturally nuturing style.

As is typical, the site is done via html5 & css3 (including CSS animation for modern browser users). Eschewing the inconvenience of a custom e-commerce management, I chose to build this on the shopify engine instead of rolling my own.